Sunday, December 28, 2008

Two naked 2-year olds

I spent today trying to keep clothes on my kids. Sounds crazy since it's 17 degrees outside and the frozen ground is covered with ice and snow, but both Rebecca & Mary-Gail wanted to be naked.

This morning at church Becca kept pulling her dress up over her head, "Off? Off? Naked!" and this was while opening announcements were being made. Distraction is the BEST tool, and luckily we had a fabulous family sitting behind us who helped distract Becca from being naked. After church and lunch it was Mary-Gail's turn to be naked. I was upstairs using the bathroom while the girls were downstairs playing. I came downstairs (after being away for seriously less than 5 minutes) to find Mary-Gail naked from the waist down carrying the toilet plunger "plunging" the hardwood floors. She saw me, turned, and ran down the hall. Not really a big deal...except that her bum was poopy! To my utter horror I found her poopy diaper smeared on my fabulous rug, smeared on the couch and her pants and socks completely saturated with poop. Do you remember the last time Mary-Gail did this? Let me remind you...see this post.

I gathered up Mary-Gail, marched upstairs with her slung over my arm, and cleaned her bum, legs, feet. And then I cleaned her bum, legs, feet, hands, neck with Clorox wipes. Seriously child? Thank goodness it was naptime because I needed a "Mommy" time-out. The Clorox wipes and I headed back downstairs for some serious cleaning.

My poor downstairs. It has seen better days. Last week I spent all day (x 3 days) cleaning up Becca & Miguel's experiment with Comet. Yes, they got a Sam's Club size 48 oz can of Comet, pulled off the sticker on top, and dumped it all over the afore mentioned fabulous black rug, the black leather couches, the black TV armoire, the toys, the treadmill, the built-in bookshelves, all in their hair, and all over their new clothes. And where was I that time? You guessed it - upstairs, but this time I was visiting with Happy. Kind of reminds me of when my sisters & I had a mustard fight and completely ruined our entire upstairs and the fabulous, new wool rug my parents had just bought. (But I was a lot older and knew better).

And tonight we went to my Mom's house to visit. JoJo & Jed were there with their kids. Gage kept coming upstairs saying, "Um, Aunt Amanda? Mary-Gail is taking off her pants and diaper. She's naked." I hustled downstairs to find the cutest bum (it was clean this time) running away from me. I tackled Mary-Gail, brought her upstairs, re-fastened her diaper, re-clothed her, and sent her back downstairs to play. THIS HAPPENED 3 MORE TIMES!!! My Mom & I thought about putting duct-tape around her diaper; JoJo told me it's time to be serious about potty-training since Mary-Gail doesn't want her diaper on. Guess you're right. UGH and double-UGH.


Scott and Jillian said...

My kids are naked half the time, so don't feel too bad. It's just their age, I guess.

Davis and Carter's Mommy said...

My only tip--onesies. They are a hassle come potty training but kept my kids from every getting their diapers off. We have also spent A LOT of time discussing how very disgusting poop is and my kids won't touch the stuff. I have heard some kids just do and some don't though, so it probably has nothing to do with my discussions :). Hang in there and keep writing it down, we may yet laugh at this.

Jessica said...

LOL (but sympathy hugs too). Naked babies are the cutest, when they aren't spreading pee and poop every where. Friends of mine did duct tape diapers shut on their twins--you may consider this until they are fully potty trained.

Sorry about all the cleaning! Kids are a hoot.

The Brown's said...

oh the poop!!!! my sister totally didi the duct tape but am with jo potty time! their super smart it wont be a big deal:O) good luck

Kemp Kuties on the Charleston Pier

Kemp Kuties on the Charleston Pier
September 2007