Saturday, December 27, 2008

The Girls, Happy, and Big Red

Happy came over yesterday just as I was getting the girls suited up to go outside and shovel our driveway and walks. He helped me finish putting gloves on Becca & Miguel, and we all ventured outside to tackle the mounds of snow that had just fallen.
Rebecca was an adventurer and wandered around following Happy as he shoveled. Mary-Gail wasn't thrilled with the cold wind hitting her nose and rosy, chapped cheeks (plus she could barely move in her puffer-puffie snow suit). I put her and Becca in Happy's truck, "Big Red," and these cute pictures followed:
Mary-Gail wasn't happy being the only one in Big Red
I collected Rebecca and the two of them played "driving" while Happy & I visited

Hello girls!
Yes, I know, I need some lipstick
I like how you can see Happy's smiling reflection in the window

Happy "freed" the girls and took them exploring down the walkway
Both girls just sat down in the snow afterwards

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Kemp Kuties on the Charleston Pier

Kemp Kuties on the Charleston Pier
September 2007