Thursday, November 13, 2008

Videos that will make you smile

I get a kick out of watching the girls eat. Mary-Gail is like "Mikey" on the old school Life Cereal commercials: "Give it to Mickey, he'll try it!" Rebecca gives all her left-overs to Mary-Gail. And Mary-Gail happily eats them. Here is Rebecca feeding Mary-Gail some pudding:

In this next video, Mary-Gail starts by saying, "-Prize!" (her version of 'surprise'). When she says that, it's my cue to chime in and have them show me the signs for the feelings they know. Usually I can get Mary-Gail to do "grumpy" (she's too cute to actually put on a grumpy face though) and I can get her to do "cry, cry, cry." She says & signs "cry" every time Rebecca is crying - mostly because Mary-Gail made Rebecca cry! Rebecca ends the video by starting a game of Peek-a-boo. She says, "my turn" after each peek-a-boo. Is that because she wants to edge Mary-Gail out of playing too...?

1 comment:

The Brown's said...

pretty much the cutest thing i have ever seen. i love how rebecca actually opens her mouth when she is feeding mary gail. stinkin cut girls manda. we sure love them!

Kemp Kuties on the Charleston Pier

Kemp Kuties on the Charleston Pier
September 2007