Monday, November 17, 2008

Goals for my soon-to-be 2-year olds

I've mentioned some goals I wanted to accomplish with Rebecca & Mary-Gail before they turn 2. I'm hoping that these will be accomplished soon, so they'll be a little more independent while I'm on bedrest with pregnancy #2, child #3!

  • Communicate effectively - check! check! check!
  • Feed themselves - check. Mary-Gail even climbs onto the counter and cupboards to get food (if you call crackers, chips, and candy "food." She's such a sneak!)

  • Brush their own teeth - check. Mommy gets to brush afterwards for 30-counts, but Rebecca & Mary-Gail do a good job on their own.
  • Get themselves dressed & un-dressed - not quite there yet. Both Rebecca & Mary-Gail like getting "naked," and will furiously pull all their clothes off. But, it's a whole different story trying to get them dressed (especially Mary-Gail - she'd go in the buff all day long. And socks! Oh my, putting socks and shoes on MG is a 10-minute process!).
  • Potty-trained. Yikes! I guess I was SUPER hopeful with this goal. Lovey thinks we should shoot for February/March (their adjusted age 2). I'm thinking more like May!
  • Chores - sort of. Becca & Mary-Gail have the "chore" of putting their clothes in the dirty clothes, putting their diapers in the garbage (and getting a new diaper), and they help with plastic plates & cups. I've never seen children take such pride in doing these little tasks -it's fun giving them a responsibility. And it's fun watching them do it!
There are a few other goals I have, but I'm a little embarrassed to list them right now (:o). Tony thinks I put too much pressure on myself, and I guess I do. Sometimes I think I have to prove that my 27-week micro-preemies aren't disabled; however, we're both extremely pleased with our girl's progress as they continue to learn and understand new things. I still can't believe two years has gone by already!! And as we gear up for baby #3, I hope to my pregnancy will last longer than 27-weeks this time! Here's to my two, 2-year old darlings!

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Kemp Kuties on the Charleston Pier

Kemp Kuties on the Charleston Pier
September 2007