Friday night I was involved in a head-on collision. I was coming home from my sister Joanna's house in Springville and was only 3 blocks from my house. I was heading West on Center Street and getting ready to turn Left (South) on 1860 West. I noticed a car at the stop sign on 1860 West and was gauging how far the car was into the road. I started to turn and WHAM! I didn't even see the other car's headlights until they hit me. Collision of a 2002 Ford Explorer with my 1999 Volkswagen Convertible Cabriolet. Who do you think won?

Cute Car filled up with smoke - it was actually the powder from the airbags - and my chest was so tight. I couldn't breathe; I couldn't expand my lungs. I was just hit by a monster of a vehicle going at least 35 miles per hour. My neck burned (I have an awful seat belt/airbag powder burn on my neck) and my eyes were on fire. Somehow I managed to unbuckle my seat belt (thank heavens I put it on), and nearly fell out of the car. The other car passengers were a young mom and dad and two little boys - probably 2 and 3 years old. The mom was screaming, "If anything happened to my babies..." And then I REALLY couldn't breathe. Oh my gosh! If anything did happen to those kids. I immediately thought of Rebecca and Mary-Gail. Oh please let those boys be alright.

Ambulance and Firetrucks along with 3 squad cars showed up not even a minute later. A policeman was asking me something and I just couldn't put it together. I kept trying to call Tony, but finally realized I was dialing my own voicemail. Tony wasn't answering his phone, so I called the next person, my brother-in-law, Jack Kemp. It was now 12:00 midnight. Carol sat with the girls and Tony and Jack started out to find me. I totally forgot to tell Jack where I was. Tony hugged and loved me and then surveyed Cute Car. I didn't even go back to the car after I got my cell phone out - I was having flashbacks of my accident when we moved to South Carolina. More on that later. A paramedic checked my blood pressure: 198/100, and my pulse was 98, but my oxygen saturation was 100 and I was just in a major accident. I was OK physically, but mentally and emotionally I was NOT. The other family was OK too. Both boys were walking, and talking/crying. The mom went with one boy to the hospital for further assessment, but we were all alive.

Now the awful truth: no collision on Cute Car, just liability. Cute Car was my dream car - ever since I saw the 1980's movie, "Can't buy me love" I have always wanted a convertible cabriolet. Tony gave me my cabrio for my birthday last year, July 2006, and we came to call her "Cute Care." I only got to drive her until September when I was put on bed rest for the rest of my pregnancy. And then b/c of my C-section, I had to have someone else drive me to the NICU for 2 weeks! By then, the weather was too scary to drive in, so I drove our Suburban. Then we gave Cute Car to my sister, Carly, to drive. So, I wasn't until just recently that I was driving Cute Care again. Now she's in the tow yard with no front end. Boo-hoo.
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