Thursday, October 4, 2007
Precious Mary-Gail sick
My little baby Mary-Gail is sick...again. She has another awful cough, cold, and low-grade fever. She cries every time after she coughs because her throat is so sore and it hurts. It makes me cry to see her sick; she looks at you like you have the cure in your hand and you're not giving it to her.
Mary-Gail has been sick since Sunday. Sunday morning she threw-up all over the crib she shares with Rebecca. By the time I got there to see what was going on, Mary-Gail was spinning circles on her stomach in the throw-up. Gross, I know. She's thrown-up at least once every day since Sunday, and tonight was the worst of it. We'd finished our bottles and I had Mary-Gail upright on my chest rubbing her back for a burp. She looked at me, turned her head sideways, and blahhhhh - all over both of us, the bed, the nightstand. Mary-Gail turned her head to the other side and threw-up all over us again, and all over Rebecca, who was laying by my side. I cradled Mary-Gail in my arms towards the bathroom, trying to pool both her and the throw-up, when she threw up again - this time out her poor, little nose. My poor, little baby!
Little Miss Mary-Gail was whimpering in the bathroom as I peeled my clothes off and changed, picked up Rebecca who was still stunned as to what just happened, and called my niece, Amy, to come over and help me. I just needed to focus on Mary-Gail, but I couldn't leave Rebecca in her miserable state either. Amy and I put both girls in the tub and soaked them. Not to my surprise, Miss Mary-Gail was happy, smiley, laughy - everything a sick baby should NOT be. But that's my Mary-Gail. My resilient, brave little Mary-Gail.
Her temperature reached 100.9, but the bath and cool washcloth on her forehead brought it down to 99.8. Lovey ran to the store for some Children's Motrin, which significantly helped Mary-Gail's temperature too. We gave her some Pedialite to counter any dehydration. Finally, at 10pm tonight, I put Mary-Gail down. 3 hours after her normal bedtime. She was so tired, and so sick. We're calling the Peds office tomorrow.
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Kemp Kuties on the Charleston Pier

September 2007
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