Thursday, March 8, 2012

The plan for today

It's 6:18am. Lovey's already left & gone to work x 1hour. Becca's in my bed due to another nightmare, and in waltz's sleepy-head Mba-Gba. She snuggles up to me and we find a spot on the bed for her between Lilly and ShuShu (who seem to think that we have invaded their bed).

It's 6:48am now. Time to get up. I usually review with the girls "our plan for today" before we even get started. However, Becca has taken over this role this morning.

Here's what she's come up with:1. we get up
2. have breakfast
3. get dressed
4. do our hair
5. brush our teeth
6. walk our dogs. Mary-Gail said, "Can Toby come too?" (Toby is Aunt Velma's little Shitzu, but he has a hurt hind foot, so he's going to stay home).
7. We go to the park. Mary-Gail said, "Can you push us on the swings? Pleease?" When I said "sure," Mary-Gail emphatically said, "YES!" with an added pump-fist.
8. We have lunch. I interrupted - "What do you want for lunch?" Becca said, "how 'bout we have a hamburger and cheese..." Mary-Gail answered for me, "No! We don't have any money." And here's the conversation about that:

Becca: Why don't we have any money?
Me: Because I'm not working any more (I so haughty thinking I made soo much money)
Becca: So go get a job Mom!
Me: --------
Mary-Gail: Well, Daddy works, so we have money
Me: Daddy works so we can pay for our new house in South Carolina and our old house in Utah
Becca: Why don't we have any money?
Me: Becca, we're not eating out anymore; we need to save our money and eat healthy
Becca: We lived in our car for a long time
Mary-Gail: Guys, we can just have Peanut Butter sandwiches
Me: Sounds good. What's next on our plan?

9. We come home
10. We have a siesta

Mary-Gail's response: "Oh! I love this plan!"
Keeping to typical Mary-Gail flair, she did want to omit #3: doing our hair; and #9: coming home.

Ok. We have our plan for the day! Time to find us a new park to visit

1 comment:

Spence and Car said...

i love it! i can totally picture the conversation and mba-gba and beccas cute voice!

Kemp Kuties on the Charleston Pier

Kemp Kuties on the Charleston Pier
September 2007