Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Bribes, treats, rewards. Call it what you want

My Dadda came over Saturday evening, 1/12, to watch Rebecca & Mary-Gail, so Tony and I could attend the adult session of Stake Conference. I warned Dadda that he would have to feed the girls (which they still aren't eating BTW), so Pappy thought a little bribe would help...

Pappy rinsing the washcloth for faces

Pappy cleaning off Mary-Gail's face
(sweet potatoes and Spaghetti O's all over)

Mary-Gail and her delicious sucker

If Rebecca's food was a moisturizer...
(and shampoo and conditioner and...)

Rebecca not even fazed by the bribe; she still didn't eat


Jessica said...

What is up with baby hunger strike? They are too young for a cause! They sure are cute.

Kemp Kuties said...

I know! Baby hunger strike - what's that all about anyways? I should counter and have a Mommy Hunger Strike. (Doubt I would last as long as they have though).

Kemp Kuties on the Charleston Pier

Kemp Kuties on the Charleston Pier
September 2007