Monday, January 28, 2008

Gordon B. Hinckley reunites with his wife

The Prophet, Seer, and Revelator, and President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints passed away last night. He was 98 years old, but he was lively and young and quick. I remember when Tony & I were still in Charleston, SC, President Hinckley visited for our Regional Conference. We saw him via satellite since he spoke in Columbia, SC, (the capital). President Hinckley wore a blue Palmetto Tie and spoke of the Palmetto Tree and the Crescent Moon pattern on the tie, and then said this:
"I don't buy green bananas anymore.
When you're my age, you don't buy green bananas."
I sure loved listening to him speak. He was amazing! He said of mothers:
"Do the best you can. And remember, the greatest asset you have in this world, is your children..."
President Hinckley outlived his eternal companion, Marjorie Peay Hinckley, by 4 long years. I believe he's embracing her right now. Eternal love, eternal companion, eternal families, eternal life.
Here is the newsroom report

1 comment:

Jessica said...

My first reaction to President Hinckley's death was relief that he was finally reunited with his sweet wife.

Kemp Kuties on the Charleston Pier

Kemp Kuties on the Charleston Pier
September 2007