Tony and I laugh about her single tooth being her "first" tooth: in the NICU, we noticed a huge bump on her lower gum and both of us swore it was a tooth - how could a 27 wk preemie have a tooth already?! An Ear,Nose,Throat doctor was making his rounds and he came to look at our piece of wonder. He flicked his finger forward on the bump, and out came a tooth! Don't believe me? Here's our little "snaggle-tooth" in the NICU just days before her tooth came out (you'll have to click on the picture to enlarge it):

Dadda holding Rebecca, 10 days old (12/7/06)

Like any proud momma I saved her tooth - can you see it?
And, of course, with twins, you can't leave one out. Here is picture of me holding Mary-Gail and Dadda putting Rebecca close to my face. This was also on day 10 of life, 12/7/06. This is probably one of my most favorite pictures. Mary-Gail and me doing Kangaroo Care (even though she has her CPAP on) and Rebecca bundled up tightly. 4 days later and Tony and I are in Ogden with Mary-Gail for her heart surgery.

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