Saturday, November 21, 2009

1st Day - backyard swings, Friday, 11.06.09

Hooray! I'm finally posting pictures of fabulous week-long visit with Ali, Avery, Jada, & Steven.
Friday morning was a perfect day to play outside! The weather was an unusually warm 60 degrees, and we enjoyed every minute of it. Rebecca took right to the swings, Jada followed and wanted everyone to push her "Higher Please." MG was her own woman and did her own thing. We all sat on the grass and watched, talked, pushed the kidlets on the swings, and of course snapped pictures of everyone.
Rebecca's favorite past time, Swinging!
Jada discovering the play house
(I took the roof off to wash it)
Jada loved playing in our backyard
Can you see my little critters climbing in the house through the window? Crazies
Photo courtesy of Ali
(Lovey wrestling with MG)
I really enjoyed watching Avery play with his daughter...and his sisters :)
Jada & Rebecca discussing another swinging session
Rebecca loved her "Brother Avery"
...and she loved her sucker
"Sister Ali" snapping some self-portraits
Lovey's kids, watching our kids play
We got out the bouncer, and as usual, it was a huge hit
Steven took over pushing the kids, and thankfully he didn't mind at all

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Kemp Kuties on the Charleston Pier

Kemp Kuties on the Charleston Pier
September 2007