Friday, August 8, 2008

This is why Rebecca & Mary-Gail do not share a crib anymore!

I came across this video today. I was from July 24th. We had just come home from visiting the Big Red Barn at Thanksgiving Point and the girls were overdue for their nap. However, neither of the girls were interested in napping: one would say "owie" to the other across the hall, and the other would laugh incessantly, and then say "owie" back, which would keep the laughter going. Tony suggested I put the girls in the crib together - to see if they would fall asleep instead of talking across the hall. Yeah, right! These girls are just smack silly!

But this video is super cute and so worth the minute 38 seconds. It shows just how much Rebecca & Mary-Gail love their Daddy. They get sooooo excited when they see him: Rebecca & Mary-Gail are screaming "Daddy!"; Rebecca is saying, "he's coming! he's coming!"; Mary-Gail is tapping the top of her head - her sign for "Daddy"; Mary-Gail is rocking her crib and Rebecca is saying "dance! dance!" as she jumps up and down; I'm whispering to Tony to crawl on the floor and roar at them; and then silence as they shower Daddy with kisses - a tender moment caught on tape.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

OMGOSH what a joy fest! They are so awesomely cute. I just posted a video of my boys playing together in Soren's crib. We are so lucky Amanda to have twins that are so cute and happy.

Kemp Kuties on the Charleston Pier

Kemp Kuties on the Charleston Pier
September 2007